May 2020
Don’t be paralysed by fear of change – find a way to take that leap!
For any of you wondering ‘what if’ or ‘can I really do it’, now may well be the time to stop holding yourself back.
It’s a year this month since I signed my first wonderful client, who’s still with me now. I’m so grateful he decided to take a chance on me and what a journey it’s been to this point! I was only adding another string to my bow at the time, but the work and client relationships lit me up, things went from strength to strength and I quickly reached a point where I had to make a choice – my job of the past decade or a leap into self-employment and a whole new world of opportunity!
The choices which seemed so scary before, don’t anymore. When I admitted my nervousness to clients as the Covid crisis hit, being so newly self-employed, there was an overwhelming feeling of being in this together, rather than simply a cog in the corporate machine; of having control over how I chose to find my way through. My role is to be there for my clients and yet I soon realised how much they truly care about my wellbeing too. That sense of camaraderie and looking out for each other is worth keeping going for in itself. We’re seeing each other through.
I’m well aware of how new my business is and how it will be an ongoing journey and learning curve, but I can be ‘just me’, my authentic self and people appreciate that. I get to work with some truly amazing individuals, who tell me to be kind to myself as I strive constantly for perfection – it’s not the glossiness they want. They want authenticity and for someone to care as much as they do.
So today I’ve taken a moment to pause and be thankful. To be kind to myself and to share with others that maybe that ‘scary’ leap isn’t so scary after all. Let’s face it, nothing’s ‘safe’ anymore, so why not follow, or take a chance to find your dream?
This period in particular has shown me there are so many opportunities out there waiting to be explored. You may glimpse a new one for yourself! Pause. Take a moment and consider taking that leap. It may just set you free…
Thinking of going out on your own? Here are some tips:
Know your numbers – what’s the minimum you can get by on each month as you build the business? If you do your sums you may find it’s less than you think. I knew I needed to get some reserves in place rather than leaping straight away, even when there were moments I wanted to. You can also wait too long though, so you need to pitch it right and follow your instincts. If you’ve been furloughed and have no other work commitments, could now be a time to do some research?
Talk to people – you could be amazed at the resources right at your fingertips. If you have the right people in your network, they want you to succeed. Have lots of conversations – not because you want to get something out of them, but because you want to learn. Opportunities can spring up in the most unexpected places.
Collaboration over competition – don’t be afraid to speak to others in your line of work. As a Virtual PA, I speak regularly to other friends doing the same and we frequently collaborate. There’s plenty of work to go around and if anything, it strengthens your offering to have access to a broader knowledge base. After all, when you’re a one man/woman band, everything is down to you, so you have to find everything out yourself.
Brand awareness – this isn’t as corporate as it sounds! Get yourself out there. Have a website as a reference point for clients and referrals. Your reputation is great but where can people check you out easily? Don’t post on social media to get clients – share useful content and just be there. You’ll soon stick in people’s minds for when they or someone they know may need you. Be yourself and let that come through in your content. That’s what you’re selling. If you pretend to be anything other than that, you’ll slip up.
Be patient – it won’t happen overnight and you will have ups and downs. It’s not easy and as the buck always stops with you, it can feel personal at times. Boost your resilience, look after yourself and as I said before, be kind to yourself. You’ll have your moments, but this is where your support network comes in. Have a ‘blurting buddy’ who you can have a mini rant to from time to time or bounce ideas off. They won’t let you give up and you’ll thank them the next day when you’re feeling positive again!
Remember your why – this is probably the most important point of all. Why do you want to do this? What do you hope to achieve? Is it for greater financial stability, work/life blend, making a difference to others or all of the above? Never forget this, as during those tougher moments, it’s what will make you plough on through and be glad you did!